This topic contains the release notes for IEDB version 2.3 and any subsequent version 2.3.x releases.
IEDB v2.3
- The ability to perform “fuzzy” (BLAST) searches on linear sequences has been added on the homepage and on Epitope Search.
- Linear Sequence input on the homepage has been modified to allow longer sequences and prevent string truncation issues.
- MHC Allele Information page has been modified to display Peptide MHC Binding Motif diagrams and Amino Acid Bind Charts for a subset of MHC Allele records.
- The news section on the homepage has been redesigned to organize posts under a collapsible category structure.
- The Allergen tree on Organism Finder has been updated with current NCBI information and some lower ranks have been collapsed to conserve navigation clicks.
- The Epitope Source Organisms link on Summary Metric has been changed to link to Source Organism list view.
- The Molecule Accession links on the Molecule finder for CHEBI molecules have been added which link to the CHEBI site.
- CHEBI images and Synonyms have been added to Epitope Information page.
- Excel export capability has been added to the Reference List page.
- The Epitope Viewer has been modified to provide the choice between calculated and curated contact data when launching.
- The Curation Last Updated date has been added to Reference Information page.
- Synonym pop-up/mouse over functionality has been added to Browse-by-3D Structure for organisms and alleles.
- The Acknowledgements, Publications Relevant to the IEDB and Citing the IEDB pages have been updated.
- Improved usability and several defects and inconsistencies throughout the site were corrected.
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