IEDB v2.4 release notes
This topic contains the release notes for IEDB version 2.4 and any subsequent version 2.4.x releases.
IEDB v2.4
- Epitope Structure section on home page search has been redesigned to utilize radio boxes and the Molecule Finder.
- Molecule Finder has been updated to include tree navigation/selection functionality incorporating peptidic and non-peptidic hierarchies.
- Auto-complete feature has been added to home page search for all Finder input fields.
- Allergen tree in Source Organism Finder has been updated to display only nodes referenced by curated data (eliminating empty searches). Additionally, all nodes in the Allergen tree are now selectable.
- Links have been added to PATRIC using NCBI tax IDS.
- Landing page has been created for each NCBI tax ID.
- Related References tab has been added to the Reference Information page.
- ChEBI ID Search has been added to the Identifier Search page.
- Indexing for Google searches has been incorporated into site infrastructure.
- XML links have been added to assays with structure data on assay information pages.
- Database Export page has been split into separate pages for current and archived versions.
- The Acknowledgements, Publications Relevant to the IEDB and Citing the IEDB pages have been updated.
- Improved usability and several defects and inconsistencies throughout the site were corrected.
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