Prediction & Analysis Tools
This forum contains information about the B and T cell prediction tools and analysis tools in the IEDB Analysis Resource
- HLA nomenclature
- Introduction and tutorials
- MHC class I binding prediction - Internal Server Error
- MHC II Epitope Prediction - "Internal Server Error"
- When can I consider an epitope as non-binder using MHC class I and II binding predictions tools?
- HLA allele frequencies and reference sets with maximal population coverage
- Selecting thresholds (cut-offs) for MHC class I and II binding predictions
- T Cell Epitopes - MHC Class II Binding Prediction Tools Description
- T Cell Epitopes - MHC Class I Binding Prediction Tools Description
- T Cell Epitopes - MHC I Processing Prediction Tools Description
- B Cell Epitope Prediction Tools Description
- ElliPro: What do the output scores mean?
- Bepipred linear epitope prediction - threshold/cut-off scores
- RESTful interface for MHC class I and class II prediction tools now available!