The MHC Allele Finder facilitates the selection of one or more MHC alleles. The finder consists of four sections as shown in Figure 1. The top section lists the alleles that the user selects. The selections can be removed by clicking on the red X of an allele name or by clicking on the Reset button to delete all selected alleles. When the user has completed the selection process, the user needs to click the green Apply button. The middle left section of the finder contains the “Search By” panel. Uses can search by allele name, source organism, and/or class (I, II, or non-classical). After the user supplies their search criteria and clicks the Search button, the system will filter the list of MHC alleles using the organism, class, and allele provided. The allele finder uses wild card characters by default on both ends of criteria entered into the allele field. The system then returns in the bottom “Search Results” panel a list of any alleles that contain the value in the name field and match the class selected. Users can click on the green + icon to select an allele. Users can also click on the yellow highlighter icon to highlight the allele in the allele tree in the middle right section of the finder. Alternatively, a user can browse the hierarchical allele tree. Clicking on a node in this tree will add the allele to the Current Selections section of the finder.
Figure 1. Allele Finder. Alleles are displayed in a tree structure and users can search by allele name, source organism, and MHC class (I, II, or non-classical)
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