v2.7 - July 2012
Main Site
* 'Download' tab created to indicate various available tools downloads
* IEDB-API renamed to Tools-API
* fixed crashes upon certain sequence inputs
B cell scales
* links provided to SciVee
* help updated to match current version
Population Coverage
* reference to dbMHC updated
Homology Mapping
* database connection re-established
MHC I/II binding & processing (web)
* character encoding of uploaded files are now checked and flagged if non-ASCII
* 10MB file size and 200 sequence limit added to prevent server hangups
* ability to download results in text format added to HTML table results
* back button behavior fixed so allele/length selections are remembered
MHC I binding
* method column added to text output
* fixed mis-alignment of text output columns
* netMHCpan now reporting IC50 values
MHC II binding
* error message wording cleaned up
MHC I/II binding (standalone)
* updated to match current version of web tools
* HLA-B*1501 allele added back
MHC I processing
* ann prediction error fixed
* errors on submitting sequences fixed
* back button behavior fixed
* tab navigation fixed
Article is closed for comments.