v2.9.1 - June 2013
MHC I/II binding & processing (web)
- A bug in the calculation of percentile ranks for the consensus method has been patched. Although the percentile ranks that were previously reported in version 2.9 were in the correct order, their absolute value was off.
- A bug in the result display when the 'Percent below cutoff' filter was used has been patched. This bug caused the same sequence to be repeated in the results with different prediction results.
- Additional lengths (12, 13, 14) were added to the possible choices for netMHCpan
MHC I/II binding (RESTful)
- The same percentile rank bug that affected the web tools also affected the RESTful tools and has been patched.
- Additional lengths (12, 13, 14) were added to the possible choices for netMHCpan
MHC I/II binding (standalone)
- The same percentile rank bug that affected the web tools also affected the standalone tools and has been patched.
- Additional lengths (12, 13, 14) were added to the possible choices for netMHCpan
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