The data in the IEDB is primarily derived from scientific publications. These are designated as having the "Reference Type" of "Literature". This type of record has a PubMed identifier and an IEDB Reference ID. We also incorporate data that was directly submitted to the IEDB by the scientists generating that data. These records are designated as having the "Reference Type" of "Submission." This type of record does not have a PubMed identifier, instead, it has a Submission ID and an IEDB Reference ID. Submission data is generally composed of large sets of data that the researchers do not plan on publishing or the negative results that they will omit from publication. In the event that previously submitted data is also present in a publication, rather than duplicating the data when we manually curate the publication, we merge the two records and designate this type of data as having the "Reference Type" of "Dual". This indicates that some of the data in the record will have been submitted directly and some of the data may have been manually curated by our team, taken from the overlapping publication. This type of record has a PubMed identifier, a Submission ID, and an IEDB Reference ID.
To limit your search for a specific type of data source, use the "Reference" search pane that appears as the last search pane on the Results page.
When looking at Assay Details pages, one can see what type of data they are viewing by referring to the "Reference" section at the top of the page, "Reference Type" is the very first row. Here you will find "Literature", "Submission", or "Dual," informing users of the source of this data.
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